China: 8th International Arbitration, Corporate Fraud & Anti-Trust Summit ― Shanghai

  •  June 25, 2025
     9:00 am - 5:30 pm

This will be conducted in English and according to Shanghai local time. 

The China: 8th International Arbitration, Corporate Fraud & Anti-Trust Summit ― Shanghai will be held in Shanghai on Wednesday, 25 June 2025 at the : Shanghai International Dispute Resolution Center (上海国际争议解决中心). 

We are delighted to invite a group of local and international speakers at the summit whom will be presenting on various topics in relations to international arbitration, fraud and anti-trust.  Speakers will share theie insights and upcoming trends, providing updates to assist businesses to avoid arbitration as well as tips and tricks. It will also be an excellent platform to mingle with fellow legal professionals in the region.  For more information, please refer to the flyer. Download

Registration is now open.  We are offering complimentary pass to in-house legal professional (non law/consulting firm only) and discounted rate is available for law / consulting firms.  For more information, please refer to the registration below. 

If you are interested to sponsor or speak at the event, contact Jason at for package details.  For registrations details, contact Bettina at


Ben Olbourne, Chairman
Barrister & Arbitrator, 39 Essex Chambers
Ben is an experienced counsel at the English Bar and an arbitrator in international commercial disputes. He is a member of 39 Essex Chambers and is English qualified, however, he has lived and worked in Asia for more than 10 years. In his counsel work, he provides advisory and advocacy services across a broad range of sectors, principally general commercial, international trade and commodities, business sales and purchases, joint venture and other commercial agreements, energy, and insurance and re-insurance. He has acted for private and state-owned enterprises in many jurisdictions. Most of his work is multi-jurisdictional and involves issues of private international and foreign law. Ben also sits regularly as an arbitrator (50+ appointments) and has been appointed under all of the leading arbitral rules in matters with seats in Singapore, Australia, India, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Russia, France and England among others. He is recommended as counsel and/or as arbitrator in the leading regional directories.
Weijun Wang, Opening Address
Secretary General, Shanghai International Arbitration Center
Ms. WANG Weijun, Secretary-General of Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (Shanghai International Arbitration Center), Vice President of Shanghai Arbitration Association, Vice Chairman of Permanent Forum of China Construction Law (PFCCL). Ms. Wang is listed arbitrator of several arbitration institutions with senior experience in arbitration. She actively promotes the development and innovation of arbitration mechanism by establishing China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Court of Arbitration and CAJAC Shanghai Center, promulgating Free Trade Arbitration Rules, and launching the international aviation arbitration mechanism etc. Ms. Wang is the member of the Shanghai Law Society Arbitration Law Research Association and Aviation Law Research Association and serves as part-time graduate tutors in Fudan University, East China University of Political Science and Law etc. Ms. Wang is listed in the Shanghai Young Talent Pool of Jurisprudence and Law and Shanghai Oriental Top Talent Program.
Leonora Riesenburg, Moderator – 1st Grand Panel
Independent Chartered Arbitrator and Accredited Mediator, INTADR DMCC
Leonora Riesenburg is a seasoned, independent Chartered Arbitrator and Accredited Mediator, empanelled on arbitration and mediation panels across the globe. A UK qualified barrister, Solicitor of the Supreme Court of England & Wales, in the UAE since 2007, Leonora is an International Tenant at 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square in London, a Chartered Arbitrator and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), and a Certified ADR Practitioner and Fellow of the Asian Institute of Alternative Dispute Resolution (AIADR). Her practice is international, and routed cross jurisdiction, encompassing both civil and common law systems. Previously Branch Chair of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in the UAE, and a member of Board of Management for CIArb London, Leonora holds pivotal roles for the CIArb as a Regional Pathway Leader (International Arbitration, Commercial Mediation) in the MENA region and is a highly sought after faculty member for the Institute. She also trains and assesses for the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), both in MENA and in the UK. Leonora is honoured to be a serving member of Governing Council of HAC in Hyderabad, India, and on the Global Advisory Panel of ADR Practitioners for MICADR in Karachi, Pakistan. She is also a member of the DIFC Courts Arbitration Working Group and the LCIA Users’ Council.
Olga Boltenko
Boltenko Arbiters
Ms. Boltenko is a barrister, arbitrator, and mediator with over a decade of experience in cross-border dispute resolution and international arbitration. Most recently with Fangda Partners in Hong Kong, Ms. Boltenko has also practised with leading arbitration teams in Paris and Singapore. With a particular focus on public international law, investor-State dispute resolution, and commercial arbitration, Ms Boltenko has acted as legal counsel in investor-State disputes under the auspices of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the ICSID, the SCC, the ICC, the LCIA, and in various capacities in dozens of commercial disputes in a wide array of industries including oil and gas, mining, infrastructure, construction, telecommunications and pharmaceuticals, across Asia and beyond. Ms. Boltenko teaches a master of laws degree in arbitration and ADR with a focus on Belt & Road investment law at The University of Hong Kong, where she is a deputy executive director. She is also a professor of law at the Royal University of Law and Economics in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, where she teaches a course in investment law at the dual degree program with the Free University of Brussels. Ms. Boltenko has been consistently recognized in legal rankings, including by Who’s Who Legal, where she has been ranked over the years as a National Leader for Hong Kong and a Thought Leader Global Elite - Under 45. She is described as a “highly motivated and hard-working practitioner who stands out as an excellent choice for investor-state disputes”.
Gary Gao
Partner, Zhong Lun Law Firm
Mr. Gary GAO is the Partner and the Head of Compliance & Regulatory Department of Zhong Lun Law Firm. Gary is a skilled litigator and arbitrator with over 28 years experiences handling complex, cross-border arbitration, litigation as well as sophisticated commercial disputes. He has represented clients in commercial arbitration before the ICC, HKIAC, SHIAC and other arbitral institutions. He has rich experience in international arbitration, litigation and mediation, familiar with the strategic planning of dispute resolution in multiple jurisdictions, the collection, screening and rules of proof of cross-border evidence production. In particular, Gary is good at dealing with disputes involving corporate equity, partnership private equity investment, procurement contracts, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, insurance claims, etc., and often acts as an expert witness on Chinese law in international litigation or arbitration proceedings. Furthermore, Gary also provide legal advice on Chinese substantive and procedural law to foreign clients or international law firms. In addition, Gary has served as arbitrator in arbitrations conducted under HKIAC, SHIAC, SHAC and other arbitral institutions, and is included in the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre’s List of Arbitrators, the LCIA Database of Arbitrators, the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board’s Panel of Arbitrators, the List of WIPO Mediators and Arbitrators, the Shanghai International Arbitration Center’s List of Arbitrators and the Shanghai Arbitration Commission’s List of Arbitrators.
Zijin Yu
Counsel, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre
Zijin Yu is Counsel of HKIAC. She administers cases in English and Chinese. She also assists with HKIAC’s business development activities in Mainland China. In addition, Zijin is responsible for event coordination and promotion for Women in Arbitration (WIA).

Venue Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Panel Sponsor

Lucky Draw Sponsor

Supporting Organisations

Registration Details

Complimentary Registration for in-house counsel

Complimentary Registration - Click Here

If you would like to apply for an in-house counsel complimentary ticket, please click here and fill in your details. Complimentary seat is applicable to in-house counsel from non law / consultancy firm only.  Two complimentary seats per company, first-come-first-served. Results are based on the organiser’s discretion and applicants will be notified by email.

Details Price Qty
Super Early Bird Rate:show details + $399.00 USD  
Early Bird Rate:show details + $550.00 USD   Goes On Sale
May 1, 2025
Normal Rate:show details + $750.00 USD   Goes On Sale
June 1, 2025
Supporting Organisation Rate:show details + $550.00 USD  
Half Day Rate:show details + $399.00 USD  


21F, No. 5 Building, New Bund World Trade Center (1),, Block B, 255 Dongyu Road, Pudong New Area District,, Shanghai, China


Shanghai International Dispute Resolution Center

21F, No. 5 Building, New Bund World Trade Center (1), Block B, 255 Dongyu Road, Pudong New Area District, Shanghai
上海市浦东新区东育路255弄5号前滩 世贸中心1期B座21层

Baidu Map / Google Map