China: 7th International Arbitration & Regulatory Forum ― Shanghai

  • Shanghai Local Time
     July 5, 2024
     9:00 am - 6:00 pm

This will be conducted in English and according to Shanghai local time. 

Legal Plus is back to Shanghai on 5 July for the annual event, China: 7th International Arbitration & Regulatory Forum ― Shanghai.  

Join us to learn the lastest update and trends in arbitration, crypto disputes, competition law and corporate crime from a group of local and international speakers. Through presentations and discussions, you will be able to interact with speakers and fellow legal professionals to enhance and update your knowledge.  Topics be be discussed includes Construction & Energy Disputes, ESG, Enforcement of Awards, Cypto, Cyber Security, Cartels and many more.  It will be an excellent opportunity to ask questions to legal household names in the region, network and create business opportunities, meet & greet and make some new friends!

Registration is now open.  Contact us today or view the latest flyer for registration and program details. Download

If you are interested to sponsor or speak at the event, contact Jason at for package details.  For registrations details, contact Bettina at

The organiser reserves the right to change the program without prior notice.

  • Opening Address
    Wang Weijun, Secretary General, Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (Shanghai International Arbitration Center)
  • 1st Keynote Session: Recent Developments in Global International Arbitration & Its Effects to Chinese Companies
    Jingzhou Tao, Arbitrator, Arbitration Chambers
  • 1st Grand Panel: Enforcement of Awards — Regional Focus and Important Updates in 2024
    Moderator:Vivian Wu, Partner, Jin Mao Law Firm
    • Pardeep Khosa, Partner, Morgan Lewis
    • James Kwan, Partner, Hogan Lovells
    • Nagla Nassar, Senior Partner, Nagla NassarLaw
    • Sanghoon Han, Partner, Lee & Ko
    • Dr. Ling Yang, Deputy Secretary-General and Head of China Relations, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre 
  • China Disputes in a Global Context — Key Issues to Watch and Advice on Asset Recovery
    全球視野下的中國爭議解決 — 焦點議題解析及 資產追回建議
    Carmen Liu, Principal, Control Risks
  • Infrastructure Projects: Challenges & Disputes
    Nagla Nassar, Senior Partner, Nagla NassarLaw
  • Construction Disputes — Through the Looking Glass in Asia
    Julian Cohen, Arbitrator, Resolution Chambers International
  • 2nd Grand Panel: Med v Arb v Negotiation – The Arbitrators/Mediators Toolbox in 2024: Different Regions & Industries = Different Best Outcomes?
    Moderator: Holly Blackwell, International Partner, King & Wood Malleson
    • Gary Gao, Partner, Zhong Lun Law Firm
    • Dr. David Fong, Barrister & Mediator, Harcourt Chambers
    • S. Ravi Shankar, Managing Partner, Law Senate India
    • Julian Cohen, Arbitrator, Resolution Chambers International
  • 3rd Grand Panel: Shareholders, Stakeholders & Director Disputes with Chinese & Foreign Companies — Best Practices to Protect the Company
    Moderator: Wilson Wei Huo, Partner, Zhong Lun Law Firm; Arbitrator and General Secretary, China Forum of Financial and Investment Disputes (CFFID)
    • Jon Nicklin, Director, Beijing, Accuracy
    • Amy Wen Wei, Counsel, CMS Hasche Sigle, Hong Kong LLP
    • Xu Suosheng, Director of Cooperation and Development Department, Shanghai International Arbitration Center
    • Md. Imam Hossain, In-House Counsel, Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation
  • Anti Bribery & FCPA Updates for Local & International
    Jessica Jin, Partner, Boss & Young

  • 2nd Keynote session: EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation and Chinese Companies
    Conor Quigley K.C., Serle Court Chambers
  • 4th Grand Panel: Anti-Trust Law — Compliance & Regulatory Issues with Chinese & Foreign Companies & Merger Control & the Digital Era
    Moderator: Adrian Emch, Partner, Hogan Lovells
    • Conor Quigley K.C., Serle Court Chambers
    • Yun A Kang, Partner, Lee & Ko
    • Kailun Ji, Senior Associate, Ashurst
  • China — Cyber Security & Export Data Privacy — Effects to China & Asian Companies in 2024
    Pascal Jiang, Partner, Beijing Dacheng Law Offices, LLP (Shanghai)
  • Data Sovereignty: How It Impacts The Cross-Border Flow of Data
    Scott Warren, National Partner, Tokyo/Shanghai, Squire Patton Boggs; Secretary, Executive Board, The Society for The Policing of Cyberspace
  • 5th Grand Panel: Fraud — Risks in 2024 in China & Asia Outbound Investment Risks, Technology’s Role (Good & Bad) & Internal Investigations
    Moderator: Susan Munro, Registered Foreign Lawyer, K&L Gates
    • Bingna Guo, Partner, White & Case
    • Regina Zhou, Principal, Control Risks
    • Shu Min Ho, Partner, Sidley Austin LLP


Michael D. Lee, Chairman
Founder, Michael Lee Chambers
Michael D. Lee is the Founder of Michael Lee Chambers. He is a dynamic and accomplished independent international arbitrator, mediator, and consultant with a distinguished career in dispute resolution. Recognized for expertise in international commercial arbitration and mediation, with a deep understanding of the rules and procedures of leading arbitration institutions. Proven track record in managing complex cases and providing effective solutions. Committed to upholding fairness, efficiency, and integrity in all aspects of dispute resolution.
Wang Weijun, Opening Address
Secretary General, Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (Shanghai International Arbitration Center)
Ms. WANG Weijun, Secretary-General of Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (Shanghai International Arbitration Center), Vice President of Shanghai Arbitration Association, Vice Chairman of Permanent Forum of China Construction Law (PFCCL). Ms. Wang is listed arbitrator of several arbitration institutions with senior experience in handling over 1000 arbitration cases. She actively promotes the development and innovation of arbitration mechanism by establishing China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Court of Arbitration and CAJAC Shanghai Center, promulgating Free Trade Arbitration Rules, and launching the international aviation arbitration mechanism etc. Ms. Wang is the member of the Shanghai Law Society Arbitration Law Research Association and Aviation Law Research Association and serves as part-time graduate tutors in Fudan University, East China University of Political Science and Law etc. Ms. Wang is listed in the Shanghai Young Talent Pool of Jurisprudence and Law.
Jingzhou Tao, Keynote Speaker
Arbitrator, Arbitration Chambers
Jingzhou Tao is an independent arbitrator based in Beijing. He is an avocat à la Cour de Paris. He has more than 38 years of experience advising Fortune 500 companies for the negotiation of hundreds of mergers and acquisitions, joint venture contracts, international construction contracts, production sharing agreements, etc. He has acted as counsel, co-arbitrator, chair and sole arbitrator in more than two hundred international arbitration proceedings before major international arbitration institutions such as ICC, LCIA, SIAC, HKIAC, CIETAC, BAC, etc. He is a member of the advisory boards of CIETAC and HKIAC, the expert committee member of Chinese International Commercial Court of Chinese Supreme Court. He is a special-invited professor of law in Tsinghua University Law School. He sits in the Editorial Board of Global Arbitration Review. He has published several books about Chinese arbitration and mergers and acquisition in English and French.
Conor Quigley K.C., Keynote Speaker
Serle Court Chambers
Conor Quigley KC, practices law from Serle Court Chambers, one of London’s leading commercial barristers’ chambers. He specializes in European Union law, in particular concerning competition, commercial, trade and tax law. Conor is widely regarded as the leading expert at the English Bar in the law of EU state aid and subsidies control. He is the author of the leading textbook, European State Aid Law and Policy, now in its 4th edition (2022) and is also co-author and general editor (with Suzanne Rab) of Hong Kong Competition Law (2016), (both books available from He regularly advises UK governmental and public authorities, major multinational groups, and other interested parties, and has acted in some of the leading EU law cases over the last 30 years before the European Court of Justice, the UK Supreme Court and Court of Appeal and High Court. Conor accepts appointment as arbitrator in international disputes, in particular concerning international trade, state aid and subsidies, competition law and environmental issues. He is listed in the Shanghai International Arbitration Centre and has been appointed an ad hoc sole arbitrator by IATA. In 1991 Conor became a member of the Law Faculty of the University of Oxford, when he was appointed a Fellow in EU Law at Lady Margaret Hall. Since 2008, he has been a Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute of European and Comparative Law. He has also held visiting posts at the College of Europe, King’s College London and the International Tax Centre, Leiden University. He is also a Visiting Professor in Practice at the LSE since 2022.
Wilson Wei Huo, Moderator - 3rd Grand Panel
Partner, Zhong Lun Law Firm; Arbitrator; General Secretary, China Forum of Financial and Investment Disputes (CFFID)
Wilson is a partner of Zhong Lun Law Firm based in the firm’s Beijing headquarters. His practice focus includes resolution of foreign-related/overseas disputes and banking/financing disputes as well as white collar crime and criminal compliance. Wilson is an arbitrator of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) and numerous on-shore arbitration institutions, International Commercial Dispute Prevention and Settlement Organization (ICDPASO), Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC, also listed as HKIAC Panel of Arbitrators for Financial Services Disputes, i.e., the FSD Panel), the American Arbitration Association-International Dispute Resolution Center (AAA-ICDR), the Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC) and numerous off-shore arbitration institutions and etc. Wilson is the General Secretary of China Forum of Financial and Investment Disputes (CFFID). He is also the Founding Member and Country Convenor of ARIAS, a non-profit organization that promotes improvement of the insurance and reinsurance arbitration and mediations process for the international and domestic markets. He has been recommended in the dispute resolution area by both Chambers Global and Chambers Asia Pacific as “Leaders in Their Field” and by Chambers Global, Chambers Asia Pacific and Chambers Greater China Region with high ranking for consecutive years. Also, he has been highly recommended by The Legal 500 in the area of Dispute Resolution in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as Dispute Resolution: Arbitration and Banking and Finance in China and included on the Legal 500 Private Practice Powerlist Arbitration: China, 2023. He has also been rated repetitively by EuroMoney as the Benchmark Asia-Pacific Local Dispute Star, and as the Best in Financial Service Disputes – China.
Vivian Wu, Moderator - 1st Grand Panel
Partner, Jin Mao Law Firm
Holly Blackwell, Moderator - 2nd Grand Panel
International Partner, King & Wood Mallesons
Holly Blackwell is an International Partner at King & Wood Mallesons in Shanghai, where she specializes in international dispute resolution. Holly represents clients in disputes subject to arbitration under the rules of most major arbitration institutions and organizations. She advises on complex and significant crossborder disputes concerning infrastructure and energy projects and commercial investments, as well as shareholder, joint venture, and consortium disputes. She also advises on cross-border litigations and the enforcement of arbitral awards in China and abroad. Holly’s experience extends to advising clients on compliance with US international trade and anti-bribery laws and international integrity policies, supply chain risk management, and related internal investigations. Holly is a US lawyer licensed to practice in New York, with more than 10 years experience working in Asia.
Adrian Emch, Moderator — 4th Grand Panel
Partner, Hogan Lovells
Adrian Emch began developing his understanding in competition/antitrust law while at university. After graduation, he first worked at the Directorate General for Competition (DG COMP) at the European Commission, and then spent several years in private practice in Brussels focusing on European Union competition law. In July 2008, Adrian made his second move back to China, which was just a month before the country’s Anti-Monopoly Law came into force. Since that time, Adrian has had the privilege of witnessing and actively participating in shaping the development of China’s nascent antitrust regime. As a fluent Mandarin speaker and with his experience as lecturer at Peking University and Shanghai Jiatong University, Adrian smoothly navigates business and legal communities from both the West and China. Adrian’s experience covers all aspects of competition/antitrust law, including merger control, cartel/abuse of dominance investigations, and antitrust counselling. Adrian is the National Vice Chair of the Legal and Competition Working Group of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China.
Susan Munro, Moderator - 5th Grand Panel
Registered Foreign Lawyer, K&L Gates
Susan Munro is based in Hong Kong and Beijing with the law firm K&L Gates. She has represented clients in connection with regulatory compliance, investigations (both internal and SEC) and disputes in mainland China, Hong Kong and the rest of the Asian region for more than 25 years. From 2001 to 2010, she was based in Shanghai, where she worked on U.S. SEC and internal investigations, regulatory compliance, cross-border disputes, fund formation, U.S. IPOs, and M&A transactions. From 2010 to 2020 she was based in Beijing, where she was Managing Partner of the office of a Washington DC headquartered firm and represented Chinese state-owned enterprises, financial institutions, U.S. listed companies, and large global investment funds in connection with investigations, regulatory compliance, cybersecurity and data privacy, investments, and cross-border disputes. Her current practice focuses on cross border arbitration and compliance and investigations with a focus on anti-corruption, economic sanctions and money laundering in Asia. She has near-native Chinese language capabilities, has earned degrees and diplomas in Chinese from institutions in the UK and Shanghai and is regularly ranked by Chambers for Corporate Investigations/Anti-Corruption in the region.
Julian Cohen
Arbitrator & Barrister, Resolution Chambers
Julian has 30 years of specialist experience of heavyweight international, and domestic, disputes. Sums in dispute in his cases vary from small to in excess of USD 2 billion. In addition to acting as counsel, he also regularly sits as an arbitrator. Julian has over 10 years’ experience in the MENA region, including 2 years based full time in Dubai, and an ongoing long-term commitment to the region. Julian has been involved in projects and disputes in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Oman, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Benin, Sierra Leone and Mali. Julian was called to the Bar in England & Wales in 1990. He was with Pinsent Masons’ Construction Disputes practice in London and Hong Kong from 1993 to 2009. He left Pinsent Masons as a partner in 2009, and was called to the Bar in Hong Kong in 2010. Julian is particularly well known for his heavy weight practice in relation to the Construction and Engineering sectors, the Energy, Oil and Gas sectors and International and domestic arbitrations.
Dr. Nagla Nassar
Senior Partner, NassarLaw
Dr. Nagla Nassar is Senior Partner at NassarLaw which was established in 1885. She graduated from Cairo University and Trinity College where she got her M. Litt and has an LL.M from Harvard University as well as a PhD from Geneva University and the Diploma of The Hague Academy in Private International Law. Before joining NassarLaw in 2004 she practiced in several jurisdictions and is a member of several bars. She was with the ICSID Secretariat and is a member of different arbitration forums including being a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and is a Council Member of the ICC World Business Institute. She has many legal publications analyzing critical legal problems and is abreast of current issues. With many years of experience both as corporate counsel and arbitrator she has acted on behalf of many major multinationals and Egyptian entities. Also, Dr. Nassar is appointed frequently as an arbitrator and has chaired many tribunals.
Pascal Jiang
Partner, Beijing Dacheng Law Offices, LLP (Shanghai)
Pascal Jiang is a partner of TMT Practice Group in Dacheng Shanghai office. He has over 20 years of experience advising clients from Telecommunications, Media and Technology sectors, covering Internet information service, e-commerce, IT equipment and service, software, big data analysis, cloud computing, chip, blockchain, self-driving and new energy car etc. He excels at assisting foreign and Chinese investors to design appropriate investment and cooperation structure for making market entry in highly regulated sectors in China, improve the cooperation arrangements with partners, as well as protect key intellectual property. He has deep knowledge and practising experience on China’s data protection and cybersecurity compliance matters. He has started to work for Chinese clients on outbound investments since 2008 and has the special focus on mining and natural resources sectors. He also advised foreign clients for dispute resolution in Chinese courts and major arbitration centres such as CIETAC and SHIAC.
James Kwan
Partner, Hogan Lovells
James Kwan is an International Arbitration partner who leads the International Arbitration practice in Hong Kong. He is a member of Hogan Lovells’ International Arbitration Global Steering Committee leadership team. He specialises in technology, private equity, energy, and life sciences disputes. He has a range of international experience, having represented clients in arbitrations in Asia, the U.S., Middle East, and Europe under the major institutional and ad hoc rules, such as ICC, HKIAC, SIAC, CIETAC, LCIA, AAA, DIAC, and UNCITRAL. James has also sat as arbitrator and rendered awards in HKIAC, ICC, and DIAC arbitrations, and in addition is on the CIETAC, LCIA, SHIAC and KCAB and AIAC panels. James is a solicitor advocate with Higher Rights of Audience before the Hong Kong courts. James sat as a Temporary Judicial Registrar in the High Court of Hong Kong in 2023 and will be sitting as a District Judge in 2024. James is widely recognised as a leading individual in International Arbitration by major legal directories, such as Legal 500, Chambers Asia Pacific, Chambers Global, Euromoney’s Guide to the World’s Leading Arbitration Lawyers, Practical Law Company’s Which Lawyer?, Benchmark Asia Pacific: Arbitration, Global Law Expert and named one of Asian Legal Business’ Hot 100 Lawyers of 2008 and 2011. James was also recognised as one of Asian Legal Business’ Asia Super 50 Dispute Lawyers of 2023. He was named in the 2024 edition of Who’s Who Legal (WWL): Arbitration, and in the Legal 500 Arbitration Powerlist - Hong Kong Region. James is the author of a chapter in The Hong Kong Arbitration Ordinance Commentary and Annotations, Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 (2nd edition); Arbitration in China: A Practical Guide, Sweet & Maxwell, 2004; and co-editor of Construction Arbitration in Hong Kong: A Practical Guide, 2015, Wolters Kluwer.
Carmen Liu
Principal, Control Risks
Carmen Liu is a Principal in Control Risks’ Compliance, Forensics and Intelligence practice. She is based in Shanghai and leads the China business intelligence team. Carmen specialises in strategic intelligence, commercial and reputational due diligence, dispute support, fraud and market misbehaviour investigations. Her project experience includes the real estate, healthcare and pharmaceutical, finance and banking, automotive, retail, aviation and shipping sectors. Before joining Control Risks in 2012, Carmen worked as an auditor for KPMG in Shanghai. Her primary responsibilities included conducting substantive audit procedures and US Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) control tests. Significant projects included an audit for a Hong Kong pre-IPO project. Carmen holds a bachelor’s degree in biological sciences from Fudan University. She is a native Mandarin speaker and is fluent in English.
Regina Zhou
Principal, Control Risks
Regina Zhou is a principal in Control Risks’ Compliance, Forensics and Intelligence practice, based in Shanghai. She is a forensic accountant and has supported clients in audit, investigations and disputes for more than 15 years in both mainland China and Hong Kong. Regina has extensive experience conducting internal and government investigations, involving asset misappropriation, financial statement fraud, employee misconduct/corruption, third-party due diligence, FCPA reviews and compliance risk assessments. She has also conducted numerous engagements for high-profile financial institutions assisting them in the remediation of breaches in Anti-Money Laundering and financial crime compliance. Regina has worked with clients from a wide range of sectors, including governments, regulators, financial services companies, law firms and multinationals. Before joining Control Risks, Regina was a senior director in the risk, forensics and compliance practice of Ankura, based in Hong Kong. Before that, she worked in forensic and compliance consulting with three of the Big 4 accounting firms in Hong Kong. A native of Nanjing, Regina studied in Hong Kong and holds a bachelor’s degree of accountancy and law. She is a member of both the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. She is a native Mandarin and Cantonese speaker and is fluent in English.
Pardeep Khosa
Partner, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius
Pardeep Khosa has a broad practice focusing on commercial and civil litigation, international arbitration, and corporate crime and investigations. He has advised and acted for high-profile clients including governments, statutory boards, listed companies, and high net-worth individuals in high-value, complex, and multijurisdictional disputes relating to construction, engineering, infrastructure, shipping, oil and gas, and civil fraud. Pardeep also handles corporate/shareholder disputes and cases involving disputes relating to banking and financial services, professional negligence, public and administrative law, and employment law. Additionally, he has acted for high-profile clients in numerous defamation lawsuits. Pardeep regularly appears before the Singapore courts and has been involved in international arbitrations under various institutional arbitration regimes, including the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), and the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA).
Jon Nicklin
Director, Beijing, Accuracy
Jon is a Director in Accuracy’s Beijing office specialising in litigation support and forensic accounting. He initially trained at a top 10 accounting firm in the UK. He then spent time at a boutique consulting firm in London before joining the forensic accounting team of a Big 4 accounting firm in Shanghai. Jon has provided advice and support across a variety of sectors, primarily in the Greater China region, including Automotive, Tourism & Hotels Energy, Pharmaceuticals and Agriculture. For litigation and arbitration matters, he has worked on primarily on HKIAC matters but also on SIAC, ICC and ICSID arbitrations.
Gary Gao
Partner, Zhong Lun Law Firm
Mr. Gary GAO is the Partner and the Head of Compliance & Regulatory Department of Zhong Lun Law Firm. Gary is a skilled litigator and arbitrator with over 28 years experiences handling complex, cross-border arbitration, litigation as well as sophisticated commercial disputes. He has represented clients in commercial arbitration before the ICC, HKIAC, SHIAC and other arbitral institutions. He has rich experience in international arbitration, litigation and mediation, familiar with the strategic planning of dispute resolution in multiple jurisdictions, the collection, screening and rules of proof of cross-border evidence production. In particular, Gary is good at dealing with disputes involving corporate equity, partnership private equity investment, procurement contracts, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, insurance claims, etc., and often acts as an expert witness on Chinese law in international litigation or arbitration proceedings. Furthermore, Gary also provide legal advice on Chinese substantive and procedural law to foreign clients or international law firms. In addition, Gary has served as arbitrator in arbitrations conducted under HKIAC, SHIAC, SHAC and other arbitral institutions, and is included in the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre’s List of Arbitrators, the LCIA Database of Arbitrators, the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board’s Panel of Arbitrators, the List of WIPO Mediators and Arbitrators, the Shanghai International Arbitration Center’s List of Arbitrators and the Shanghai Arbitration Commission’s List of Arbitrators.
Dr. Ling Yang
Deputy Secretary-General and Head of China Relations, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre
Dr Ling Yang is the Deputy Secretary-General of HKIAC and Head of China Relations. Prior to joining HKIAC in January 2018, Ling was an Associate Professor at the East China University of Political Science and Law (ECUPL) where she taught international arbitration for nine years. From 2016 to 2017, Ling was a visiting professor at the Boston University School of Law. Ling has published widely on issues of international dispute resolution and arbitration. Currently, Ling serves as Executive Editor-in-Chief for the Shanghai International Arbitration Review. Ling also serves as an adjunct professor at ECUPL and the School of Translational Law at Peking University (STL). In addition, Ling was an observer at UNCIRTAL Working Groups on arbitration. Ling is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb) and a panel arbitrator of several leading arbitral institutions including but not limited to the Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration(ACICA), Bejing Arbitratin Commission (BAC/BIAC), China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (JCAA), Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB International), Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (SCIA) and Shanghai International Arbitration Center (SHIAC). Ling was a full-time judge at Pudong District People’s Court in Shanghai from 2013-2014. Ling obtained a PhD in 2009 and an LLM in Private International Law in 2006 from Wuhan University International Law Institute. In 2008, she was a visiting scholar at the University of Aix-en-Provence Marseille III. Ling speaks Mandarin Chinese, English, and basic French.
Amy Wen Wei
Counsel, CMS Hasche Sigle, Hong Kong LLP
Amy’s practice focuses on complex transnational disputes, particularly international commercial and investment arbitration. She has worked in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Paris and New York, and has extensive experience advising and representing multi-national and stated-owned enterprises, listed companies, states, governmental and public entities and institutions. She has advised clients and worked on high-stake arbitration cases under the rules of ICC, HKIAC, SIAC, CIETAC, LCIA, SCC, JCAA, SHAC, THAC, ICSID, ICDR, DIS, and ad hoc UNCITRAL. Her clients come from a wide range of jurisdictions and industries, including the lifescience and biotech, green energy, finance, and aerospace sectors. Amy is a Registered Foreign Lawyer based in Hong Kong and is qualified in the State of New York (USA) and Paris (France). Trained in both common law and civil law jurisdictions, she holds degrees from Harvard Law School and the Institut d’études politiques de Paris (Sciences Po.), cum laude. She is fluent in Chinese, English, and French.
S. Ravi Shankar
Managing Partner, Law Senate India
S. Ravi Shankar, the Managing Partner of the Law Senate Arbitration Law Firm, from India is a qualified Advocate on Record in the Supreme Court of India (Highest Court in India), with more than 26 years of Experience in the field of law. He is holding a Master’s degree in Business Administration along with a bachelor’s degree in Law. He has a strong International exposure and hence travelled to 41 countries across the world on various assignments. Being a corporate lawyer, he has strong experience in Arbitration, Litigation and other corporate legal work. Being an Expert in Arbitration cases and related litigation he has appeared in various High value Arbitration cases before various Arbitration Panels with International Arbitrators, Judges and other reputed Arbitrators. He has appeared in High value Construction, Export disputes, Shipping, Infrastructure, Airports arbitrations etc., involving Indian and Foreign Jurisdictions. He has also appeared for parties in the Arbitrations conducted under ICC Rules of Arbitration. He has also appeared in cases conducted in Singapore International Arbitration centre (SIAC), Hong Kong International Arbitration centre (HKIAC), Indian Council of Arbitration (ICA) Delhi International Arbitration Centre, Delhi, Formerly DAC etc., He also has conducted various Arbitration related litigation with regard to existence of Arbitration clause, Appointment of Arbitrators, Challenging of Awards, Execution of New York Convention awards, cases relating to execution of foreign awards etc. He has appeared in High value Construction, Export disputes, Shipping, Infrastructure, Airports arbitrations etc., involving Indian and Foreign Jurisdictions. Mr. Shankar is an active member of various professional Institutions including International Bar Association (IBA), Asian Society of International law (ASIL), Arbitration Bar of India (ABI), Chartered Institute of Arbitration, Association of International Arbitration (AIA), International Council for Commercial Arbitration, Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) etc., He is also an active member of JCI. He was holding various international offices in JCI and other organisations.
Bingna Guo
Partner, White & Case
Bingna Guo is a Partner in the Firm’s Global White Collar Practice Group. Bingna has extensive experience in regulatory and compliance matters, including international anti-corruption investigation and compliance matters, cross-border litigation, international commercial arbitration and mediation, data privacy and data protection, trade compliance, antitrust, anti-money laundering, crisis management, and complex commercial litigation. Bingna represents companies, audit committees and individuals in internal investigations and enforcement actions, including FCPA/anti-corruption related investigations, fraud, embezzlement, conflicts of interest investigations, compliance risk assessment, development of compliance policies, and pre-transaction compliance diligence. She also advises companies on comprehensive compliance programs and trainings. Bingna is also a Certified Fraud Examiner. Bingna is recognized as the leading individual in the Greater China area for corporate investigations and compliance by Chambers and Legal 500. She is also named Cybersecurity Law Expert of the Year in China by Lawyer Network Annual Awards 2021.
Sanghoon Han
Partner, Lee & Ko
As a partner in Lee & Ko’s International Arbitration Team, Sanghoon Han handles a wide variety of international arbitration cases, and has represented both Korean and foreign clients in arbitration proceedings conducted under a number of leading international arbitration rule systems, including those of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB), the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). In addition to his arbitration-related practice, Mr. Han has extensive experience as a legal advisor on labor law, M&A, corporate governance and foreign investment matters and advises clients on legal issues relating to all facets of corporate/business operations, including incorporation, corporate governance, regulatory compliance, mergers, restructuring, liquidation and dissolution matters.
Yun A Kang
Partner, Lee & Ko
As a member of China & Corporate Group and International Arbitration Group, Yun A Kang’s practice focuses on the China-related transactions, including M&A, international arbitration and general corporate law issues between Chinese companies and Korean companies. She is currently work at Lee & Ko Beijing Office. Before joining Lee & Ko in 2016, she worked in LG Electronics., Inc. as in-house counsel, where she managed legal issues regarding international transaction, primarily in the Chinese market. Her practice embraces general corporate advice, the composition and negotiation of contracts, with a particular focus on new technology such as EV(Electric Vehicle), IOT(Internet on Things), and ADAS(Advanced Driver Assistance System).
Dr. David Fong
Barrister & Mediator, Harcourt Chambers
Dr. David Fong is a member of the Harcourt Chambers. He was called to the Hong Kong Bar in 2013, registered as a Foreign Legal Affairs Attorney (Taiwan Region) in 2021 and as a Greater Bay Lawyer in 2023. In 2012, he graduated from the City University of Hong Kong with a Master LLM (Maritime and Transportation Law) (Distinction). In 2020, he graduated from the East China University of Political Science and Law with a LLD degree. Dr. Fong predominately practices in the civil area (including maritime, commercial arbitration, mediation, and litigation), and has been appointed and instructed on numerous occasions as counsel and arbitrator in different references. He has been appointed as a commercial mediator since 2008. Before being called the Hong Kong Bar, Dr. Fong had over 15 years of working experience as a Chartered Certified Accountant and a Hong Kong Certified Public Accountant (Non-Practicing).
Suosheng Xu
Director of Cooperation and Development Department, Shanghai International Arbitration Center
Ms. Xu Suosheng is the Director of Coopration and Development Department of Shanghai International Arbitration Center(SHIAC). Ms. Xu has accumulated extensive experience in arbitration case managment. Since joining SHIAC in 2012, she has managed nearly 800 arbitration cases. Starting in 2017, she assumed the role of the Head of Business Development Department, leveraging her wealth of experience in business expansion and international cooperation. Currently, Ms. Xu serves as the arbitrator of Shanghai Arbitration Commission (SHAC) and the mediator of CCPIT Shanghai International Commercial Mediation Center (SHIMC). In addition, she is also the Deputy Dean of the Permanent Forum of China Construction Law (PFCCL) Academy and the adjunct professor of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE).
Md. Imam Hossain
In-House Counsel, Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation
Md. Imam Hossain is In-House Counsel of Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation, Head of Chamber of IDCLA and Director & Assigned Arbitrator of DIAC. Mr. Hossain specializes in International Investment and TNC, Law in Development, Cyber Security Law, International Investment Tax Law, International Banking Law, Intellectual Property Law, International Commercial Arbitration, Company Law, Maritime Law, Service Matters and Public International Law. Mr. Hossain has worked on cases representing both government and private clients in litigation and arbitration matters. He also advises clients on investment structuring for treaty protection, as well as on the development.
Kailun Ji
Senior Associate, Ashurst
Kailun Ji is a senior associate in Ashurst Singapore office. Kailun has more than 12 years in the antitrust, regulation and foreign investment practice. Her practice covers antitrust and compliance matters in China and the Asia-Pacific region with a focus on cross-border mergers and acquisitions, antitrust investigations, compliance, audits and authorizations. Kailun has advised a broad range of clients across different sectors. She has deep expertise assisting clients coordinating multi-jurisdictional merger control filings, national security and foreign investment reviews. She also advises market-leading clients on antitrust investigations, authorizations, and compliance issues. Kailun studied law in China, the US and the UK, and is qualified in New York and has passed the China bar exam. Before joining Ashurst, Kailun worked in another leading international firm’s Beijing and Silicon Valley offices. She is a frequent contributor to leading legal journals and has authored a number of publications.
Shu Min Ho
Partner, Sidley Austin LLP
SHU MIN HO has significant experience in complex cross-border investigations and compliance counseling, across a diverse range of sectors, including life sciences, technology, biotech/biopharma and industrial. She has led multi-office teams across Sidley’s global network in handling investigations and compliance reviews relating to bribery and corruption, revenue recognition and accounting issues, internal controls, fraud, embezzlement, and other corporate misconduct. She is fluent in English and Chinese, speaks conversational Cantonese and Bahasa Malaysia, and understands basic Japanese and Arabic. Her language skills has enabled her to work across Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, including in many complex jurisdictions. Shu Min is recognized in the 2024 edition of Chambers Asia Pacific as an “Up and Coming” lawyer for Corporate Investigations/Anti-Corruption: International in Singapore. Shu Min is also recognized as a “Future Star” for White collar crime - International firms by Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific (2024), a Recommended Lawyer for White Collar Crime by Legal 500 Asia Pacific (2023) and as a “Rising Star” by Asian Legal Business’ Rising Stars Singapore 2022 List.
Scott Warren
National Partner, Tokyo/Shanghai, Squire Patton Boggs; Secretary, Executive Board, The Society for The Policing of Cyberspace
Scott Warren is a partner in our Tokyo and Shanghai offices, specializing in cybersecurity, data privacy and digital data disclosures in Asia and the Middle East. He also has significant experience in compliance, intellectual property (IP), litigation, dispute resolution, and government regulatory and internal investigations. Scott started his career as a civil litigator in California. He moved to Japan in 1993, where he has lived since. He served seven years as general counsel at Sega Corporation and six years as a senior attorney at Microsoft. He serves on the executive board of The Society for the Policing of Cyberspace, a nonprofit organization. He headed Kroll in Japan and Kroll Ontrack across Asia, and later opened Epiq Systems in Japan, providing IP protection, computer forensics and e-discovery solutions. Scott is a California-licensed lawyer and a licensed foreign lawyer in Japan. He is a Certified International Counter-Cyber Crime Professional and certified as a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb). Since 2004, he has served on the Society for the Policing of Cyberspace, a non-profit organization dedicated to working with its global members towards a more secure Internet. He serves at the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan, where he was awarded Leader of the Year for 2020, as Co-Chair of the Legal Services & Intellectual Property Committee; Vice-Chair of the Secure Digital Infrastructure Committee; Vice-Chair of the Information, Communication and Technology Committee; and Vice Chair of the Digital Forum.
Jessica Jin
Partner, Boss & Young
Jessica Jin has over 20 years of legal and compliance experience. Prior to joining the firm, Jessica had served in several notable law firms and MNCs, providing professional legal and compliance solutions for business operations and development. Jessica served as a senior legal counsel, the China and Asia-Pacific compliance head, and a China and Asia-Pacific board member of a renowned healthcare MNC. She has extensive professional and practical experience in helping the company with its legal and compliance issues in daily operations. Jessica has also practiced in a renowned law firm. During the time with the firm, she specialized in legal services in foreign investment, merger and acquisition, general corporate matters, anti-commercial bribery, labor matters, internal investigation, etc. Jessica had provided legal services to numerous notable companies from pharmaceutical, medical device, consumer goods, food, tobacco, luxury, automotive, chemical, retail, telecom, real estate, construction and other wide range of industries.

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21F, No. 5 Building, New Bund World Trade Center (1),, Block B, 255 Dongyu Road, Pudong New Area District,, Shanghai, China


Shanghai International Dispute Resolution Center

21F, No. 5 Building, New Bund World Trade Center (1), Block B, 255 Dongyu Road, Pudong New Area District, Shanghai
上海市浦东新区东育路255弄5号前滩 世贸中心1期B座21层

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